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In this Debate
- February 2019 Polaris95
- February 2019 AmericanFurryBoy
- February 2019 whiteflame
- February 2019 Plaffelvohfen
- February 2019 SilverishGoldNova
- February 2019 Zombieguy1987
- February 2019 MayCaesar
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I am no longer active on DebateIsland or any debate website. Many things I have posted here and on other sites(Such as believing in the flat Earth theory or other conspiracy theories such as those that are about the Las Vegas Shooting or 9/11) do not reflect on my current views. officially stating that I am no longer a flat-Earther)
Debra AI Prediction
Predicted To Win
Predicted To Win
Total: Zombieguy1987 - Tied Arguments: Winning by 1 Pts Evidence & Sources: Winning by 1 Pts Spelling & Grammar: Losing by 2 Pts Conduct: Tied
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MayCaesar 6573 Pts   -  February 2019
As usual in such surveys, many questions can be interpreted in different ways and, generally, should be answered with "it depends".
8values.png 111.9K
Debra AI Analytics      +   
  Considerate: 98%  
  Substantial: 26%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 82%  
  Sentiment: Neutral  
  Avg. Grade Level: 10.5  
  Sources: 2  ____________________   Political Analysis: No Political Affiliation  ____________________   Clear (Beta): 11%  
  Relevant (Beta): 62%   -
Zombieguy1987 486 Pts   -  February 2019
My results
Economic Axis: Market
Diplomatic Axis: Peaceful
Civil Axis: Liberal
Societal Axis: Progressive
Closest Match: Libertarianism
Ideological matching is a work in progress, and is much less accurate than the values and axes.
You can send these results by copying and pasting the URL at the top of the page or using the image below. Think your matched ideology was wrong? Want to help us calibrate the test? Send the results along with your political ideology to us at, or send us any comments, questions, or criticism.
Taxation is always theft
Debra AI Analytics      +   
  Considerate: 76%  
  Substantial: 83%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 80%  
  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 7.02  
  Sources: 8  ____________________   Political Analysis: No Political Affiliation  ____________________   Clear (Beta): 26%  
  Relevant (Beta): 33%   -
SilverishGoldNova 1201 Pts   -  February 2019
@Zombieguy1987 I should mention you kinda messed that post up.
I am no longer active on DebateIsland or any debate website. Many things I have posted here and on other sites(Such as believing in the flat Earth theory or other conspiracy theories such as those that are about the Las Vegas Shooting or 9/11) do not reflect on my current views. officially stating that I am no longer a flat-Earther)Debra AI Analytics      +   
  Considerate: 75%  
  Substantial: 27%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 91%  
  Sentiment: Neutral  
  Avg. Grade Level: 4.36  
  Sources: 0  ____________________   Political Analysis: No Political Affiliation  ____________________   Clear (Beta): 35%  
  Relevant (Beta): 73%   -
Zombieguy1987 486 Pts   -  February 2019
SilverishGoldNova said:
@Zombieguy1987 I should mention you kinda messed that post up.
Yes, I'm aware I messed it up. But it wouldn't let me copy+paste the picture result of the results
Taxation is always theft
Debra AI Analytics      +   
  Considerate: 87%  
  Substantial: 56%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 85%  
  Sentiment: Negative  
  Avg. Grade Level: 7.5  
  Sources: 2  ____________________   Political Analysis: No Political Affiliation  ____________________   Clear (Beta): 52%  
  Relevant (Beta): 62%   -
SilverishGoldNova 1201 Pts   -  February 2019
Looks like we're all nazi racist sexist homophobes according to the modern far left!
I am no longer active on DebateIsland or any debate website. Many things I have posted here and on other sites(Such as believing in the flat Earth theory or other conspiracy theories such as those that are about the Las Vegas Shooting or 9/11) do not reflect on my current views. officially stating that I am no longer a flat-Earther)Debra AI Analytics      +   
  Considerate: 19%  
  Substantial: 53%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 80%  
  Sentiment: Neutral  
  Avg. Grade Level: 7.44  
  Sources: 0  ____________________   Political Analysis: No Political Affiliation  ____________________   Clear (Beta): 45%  
  Relevant (Beta): 98%   -
Plaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  February 2019
Spot (1).png 112.7K
" Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
Debra AI Analytics      +   
  Considerate: 90%  
  Substantial: 4%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 100%  
  Sentiment: Neutral  
  Avg. Grade Level: 1.16  
  Sources: 2  ____________________   Political Analysis: No Political Affiliation  ____________________   Clear (Beta): 86%  
  Relevant (Beta): 99%   -
whiteflame 689 Pts   -  February 2019
Pretty much agreed. Look pretty similar to @Plaffelvohfen
8valuesMe.png 82K
Debra AI Analytics      +   
  Considerate: 89%  
  Substantial: 25%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 88%  
  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 9.2  
  Sources: 2  ____________________   Political Analysis: No Political Affiliation  ____________________   Clear (Beta): 32%  
  Relevant (Beta): 43%   -
AmericanFurryBoy 531 Pts   -  February 2019
Not every quote you read on the internet is true- Abraham Lincoln
Debra AI Analytics      +   
  Considerate: 100%  
  Substantial: 100%  
  Sentiment: Negative  
  Avg. Grade Level:   
  Sources:   ____________________   Political Analysis: No Political Affiliation  ____________________   Clear (Beta): 100%  
  Relevant (Beta): 100%   -
Polaris95 147 Pts   -  February 2019
It says I'm a Libertarian Socialist, which is pretty spot on for me, in my opinion.
Debra AI Analytics      +   
  Considerate: 85%  
  Substantial: 32%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 100%  
  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 8.62  
  Sources: 0  ____________________   Political Analysis: No Political Affiliation  ____________________   Clear (Beta): 80%  
  Relevant (Beta): 96%   -
SilverishGoldNova 1201 Pts   -  February 2019
Atleast we're all libertarian except for @AmericanFurryBoy
I am no longer active on DebateIsland or any debate website. Many things I have posted here and on other sites(Such as believing in the flat Earth theory or other conspiracy theories such as those that are about the Las Vegas Shooting or 9/11) do not reflect on my current views. officially stating that I am no longer a flat-Earther)Debra AI Analytics      +   
  Considerate: 88%  
  Substantial: 17%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 71%  
  Sentiment: Neutral  
  Avg. Grade Level: 11.16  
  Sources: 0  ____________________   Political Analysis: No Political Affiliation  ____________________   Clear (Beta): 30%  
  Relevant (Beta): 85%  
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